Lodge a Complaint
If you have a complaint about the services we provide, the following options for resolution are available.
1. First Option
Most complaints or disputes arise from miscommunication and can usually be resolved amicably without delay. If you find yourself in this situation, contact me and explain your concerns in order for me to provide a speedy resolution.
2. Second Option
If you are not satisfied with my response then please contact Leaseline Finance as follows: Contact name of our complaints officer: Anthony Contact phone number: 07 3666 0533 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
3. Third Option
If you feel after following both the previous options your complaint has not been satisfied, you may contact our following ASIC approved complaints body being:
Name of EDR scheme: Credit & Investments Ombudsman (CIO)
Phone number: 1800 138 422
Address: PO Box A252, Sydney South NSW 1235